Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Let's talk this over.It's not like we're dead..Was it something I did?.Was it something You said?.Don't leave me hanging.In a city so dead.Held up so high.On such a breakable thread. You were everything, everything that I wanted.We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away.All this time you were pretending.

tok pew yg berlaku arie nieyh aQ ucapkn thniah wat  Encek Dude bub still mampu wat aQ nanges bubkn dye..

~~To ENCEK DUDE: awk da hak nk mempertikaikn idup sy..tok lima taun ke belakang ckup tok ajar sy erti kebahagian..cmne awk biakn  sy terkapai2 dulu cmtu gak sy x perlukn awk tok seteap taun yg bakal berlalu.. tentang sy dikongkong or spew yg mengongkong x da kna mengena pn ngn awk..owg yg awk ckp kongkong sy tuh la yg stay kt sisi dseteap jatuh bangun sy.. sy nk awk tahu yg sy mampu berdiri sendri ble jatuh cume kali nieyh lebyh kuat bub muhammad zul helmi samad dsisi sy..

“erm payah laaa kalau org dok slalu kongkong hidup,mcm baguih sgt,k da la bai”

Memang dye x sebagus awk..dmata owg laen awk berjuta kali gnda baek dr sekurangnya sy ley jd dri sy sndri dgn dye tnpa perlu ubah apew2.. .~~

It's nice to know that you were there.Thanks for acting like you cared.And making me feel like I was the only one.It's nice to know we had it all.Thanks for watching as I fall.And letting me know we were done.

To  yayunk:  maaf bub lyn awk cmtu..maaf bub x dpt jd yg terbaek..maaf tok pe yg berlaku arie nieyh..maaf tok segalanya..




     Cmne nk start ea..hurmm...kt tempat keja aQ nieyh da la sepasang suami isteri yg slalu dtg tok dressing..isteri dye amputation kt left leg..mybe bub xcdent kowt..sepanjang keja shift pg muke aQ  jew la dok mengadap luke dye tuh..huhuh..ntah2dye neek bosan asyk muke minah sememeh nieyh jew dressing dye.. cmpy hubby dye ley cm muke  yg wat ak tol2 terharu tuh tgk hubby dye yg setia kt sisi wife dye..pegang tgn wife dye mse aQ dok menyental slough kt luke tuh..saket kowt cmpy gigil wife dye..huhuhu..”maaf ye akak, sy juz wat keja sy..”hubby dye akn swuh dye bersabar..kdg2 dye borak2 ngn wife dye  tok lekakn time aQ cuci luka.. teap kali abis jew  aQ dressing dye akn ckp “luke syg da makin sembuh..alhamdulillah..”  terharu giler aQ yg dengar nieyh..walaupn dengar ayt yg same 4 arie berturut2 perassan terharu tuh still ad..hahaha..over tol aQ nieyh..walaupn  akak tuh da kehilangan left leg dye tp skit pn dye x kehilangan kasih sayang hubby dye..aQ tgk dye bahagia x da papew yg jd idop dye.. mybe jodoh yg dtakdirkn tuh adalah yg terbaek tok dye..susah senang bersama cmpy ke akhir hayat.. moga2 kekal bahgia hingga ke anak cucu ye kak..amin..  ^_____________^


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