Thursday, 20 June 2013

Apakah aku terlalu

Terlalu banyak berkelana

Mungkin kau bukanlah jodohku


bahkan bukan takdirku

Terus terang,

Aku merindukanmu

Setengah mati merindu

Tiada henti merindukanmu


Sunday, 2 June 2013

td mse aQ dok sebok wat keje ttba lgu nieyh maen kt radio era..
tetiba windu kt penang..

..bunyi msg yayunk..
tmpat tuh starting segalanya yg berlaku arie nieyh..

cmne nursyafiQahbtabdulwahid kenal muhammad zul helmi bin samad

cmne muhammad zul helmi samad blaja kenal nursyafiQahbtabdulwahid..

padang kota lama

aQ windu:

lepak kt tepi laut ptg2..

..duduk bersila kt tgh pdg cmbil tgk gelagat mnusia..

pertama kali kuar dengn muhammad zul helmi samad

tempt lepak kitorg mlm..
tgk air pancut cmbil citer sal  idup,impian kiorg
tmpt yg kitorg berjanji akn dtg ble kitorg kawen t..

nmpk cm best jew

tp pe yg kitorg lalui hanya yg maha Esa jew taw..

so kitorg byk kuar berjln2 tok release kn stress


tempt yg penuh ngn 

citer cinta kitorg



or even kisah duka..

tmpt kitorg blaja bnda bwu

tmpt kitorg buka buku lembaran baru lam idop masing2..

miss you yayunk..~

Saturday, 1 June 2013

until we meet again..

You took my hand
You showed me how
You promised me you'd be around
Uh huh
That's right
I took your words
And I believed
In everything
You said to me
Yeah huh
That's right

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong
I know better
Cause you said forever
And ever
Who knew

Remember when we were such fools
And so convinced and just too cool
Oh no
No no
I wish I could touch you again
I wish I could still call you friend
I'd give anything

When someone said count your blessings now
'fore they're long gone
I guess I just didn't know how
I was all wrong
They knew better
Still you said forever
And ever
Who knew

Yeah yeah
I'll keep you locked in my head
Until we meet again
Until we
Until we meet again
And I won't forget you my friend
What happened

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong and
That last kiss
I'll cherish
Until we meet again
And time makes
It harder
I wish I could remember
But I keep
Your memory
You visit me in my sleep
My darling
Who knew
My darling
My darling
Who knew
My darling
I miss you
My darling
Who knew
Who knew

wedding,wedding,wedding,,...n wedding...

dulu2 time kecik2 ble cuti sekolah best jew..

g kenduri sane..g kenduri sini..

tp ble umo da melonjak 22 taun nieyh..

ble dgr cuti sekolah..

n kenduri lak..


laen da asenya..

lg2 la ble kwn yg seusia yg kawen..


umo 22 ???!!!


aQ nieyh msih lg nga try tok bina idop..
bkn pew juz ase laen giler..
yela aQ nieyh penoh  ngn plan idop aQ, keja,kumpul duet,baya pt, bg duet kt mak teap2 bln,  pastu try improve dri day by day..nk cmbung study giler list aQ..
n married not my priority
lam sepuloh kwn aQ, 15 owg yg da kawen..huhuhuh
tggal bpew kerat jew yg nk teruskn ngn study or keje..
nk kate jelez pn da..
spew yg x kn kn..
byk g la bnda yg aQ nk wat..

p ble pkir2 alek kn..
kalo nk kawen awl pn pe yg aQ nk jwb ngn Salmiah ariffin da pesan awl2 g..
jgn gelojoh nk kawen awl, blaja n keje lu.. stabilkn idup..kumpul duet..
oke gak mknanya mak x terpikir nk timbang cucu lg la uw..

aQ x ley pikir la kalo aQ kawen lam usia nieyh..


"da ready kew nk jd isteri owg..?"

"aQ da sedia kew?"

''da sedia nk tukar status?"

"cmne nk survive kalo idop skunk pn terumbang ambing..?"

aQ bkn nk jd negative thinker tp seteap keputusan espcially berkenaan ngn idop...kena pikir masak2 bub salah pertimbangn dri yg merana t..

name: nursyafiqahbtabdulwahid

umo: 22 taun,4 bln..


cita2: isteri solehah

mybe nursyafiQabtabdulwahid x sesuai lg kowt nk pegang gelaran bini owg..


berat gak uw tugas dye..

tp da kew owg nk kawen ngn pompuan garang cm aQ nieyh..


juz wait..


mybe jodoh aQ blom tiba..

mybe its not a rite time for me to get married..



mybe im not ready yet..

p/s: think positively nursyafiQabtabdulwahid..

akn cmpy gak waktu tok aQ bergelar isteri owg..saba ea nursyafiQahbtabdulwahid..
wat mase nieyh stabilkn idop lu..
mybe jodoh aQ bkn dusia nieyh kowt.
agie pn my mom get married mse dye umo 25..
x kn aQ nk break rekod dye kowt...
malu la aQ..

bg kawan2 aQ yg da selamat mendirkikan umah tgga,
selamat pengantin baru..
semoga berbahagia selalu..
semoga kekal hingga ke akhir hayat..
cpt2 dpt baby..